Price Strategy In Business: Methods Behind The Madness with Jennifer Stringer

Mental Money
Mental Money
Price Strategy In Business: Methods Behind The Madness with Jennifer Stringer

Price strategy in business: methods behind the madness is a look into the price strategy in business. Jennifer Stringer gives us a glimpse into pricing strategies that work, how marketing plays in the product price, and how small businesses can price for success. Price too high or too low and your risk harming your business long term. Wrap your mind around the basics today in our pricing series for the Mental Money Podcast. 


To get in contact with Jennifer, check out the following links: 







Book Recommendations From the Show 


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All information contained within this audio is a reflection of the author’s opinion in proximity to when the audio was produced. Business is an ever-changing organism, due to this notion, there can be changes to this podcast at any time based on new information.

Also, the host’s opinion may change as well. The host has done their due diligence to ensure that the information presented is presented with the most relevant information, but takes no responsibility for any changes that may be made.

Again, these are opinions. You are more than welcome to cross-reference any information presented in this audio. Any missing information is not the responsibility of the host. Any results direct, indirect or consequential, or otherwise are not the responsibility of the host. The information is not to be taken as legal advice. If you are in need of legal advice please contact a qualified attorney.

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